Bachelor- and Master Theses
We offer the possibility to work in our group on bachelor- or master theses in the field of Neutron, Muon and Muonium Physics.
Below you find the titles of previous theses by students in our group. Please contact Prof. Klaus Kirch to get the permission to acces the theses.
Previous Bachelor Theses
- Programming Remote Magnetometers on Raspberry PIs and Testing their Sense HAT Sensors for the nEDM Experiment - G. Janka (2015)
- Be/Cu reflector for ultra cold neutrons - S. Parolo (2014)
Previous Master Theses
- Improvement of the Laser System for Measuring the Hyperfine Splitting in Muonic Hydrogen - I. Schulthess (2018)
- Test of Cryogenic Detectors for the muCool Experiment at PSI - M. Sakurai (2018)
- Studies on the transversal compression of a mu+ beam - I. Belosevic (2014)
- On the possibilities to cool ultracold neutrons (phase space compression) - U. Soler (2013)
- Stationary density gradient in a helium gas cell at low temperatures - G. Wichmann (2013)
- Development of a positron detector using scintillating fibers and G-APD read-out - S. Beuret (2012)
- Investigation of Beta-Decay in a Strong RF-Field - R. Blaser (2011)