
The Advanced Physics Laboratory is part of the mandatory curriculum for studying Physics (see course description below). The advanced student's lab (ASL) is part of the physics lab courses and it is indented for motivated students who want to go beyond the standard practical lab courses and get experience with state-of-the-art particle physics experiments.

Advanced Student's Lab (ASL)

Charged particle detectors or trackers are one of the most important components in experimental particle physics. They provide both timing and spatial information about charged particles such as the electron, and have many applications outside the field of particle physics as well.

Here at the Institute for Particle Physics (IPP) we are developing a compact charged particle tracker using plastic scintillating fibers (PSF) with the signal detected by multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC). Peltier and water cooling systems are used to stabilized the temperature of the experiment, a modern oscilloscope DRS4 is being used to record the waveforms and the ROOT library is being used for data analysis and histogramming.

In the due course of this experiment, you will have the chance to learn all the basics and techniques about particle detection and software for data analysis.

Useful articles regarding the experiment:

Interested in joining us? Please contact the head of Vorgerückten-Praktikum (VP), Prof. Christoph Grab to know how to get involved.
Regarding the experiment in detail, please contact Ryoto Iwai.

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