Semester Theses
We offer very attractive semester projects on Neutron, Muon and Muonium Physics. Summarized below are the previous topics done by semester students in our group. Please contact Prof. Klaus Kirch to get the permission to access them.
Previous Semester Theses
- Single Pass Gain of a Zero-Phonon Line Pumped Yb:YAG Thin Disk
- Creation of the software and hardware for a prototype of a large-scale magnetic field mapper
- Improvements on Surrounding Field Compensation of Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiment at Paul Scherrer Institute
- Analysis of the conductance of a small 1x1 mm^2 aperture and pumping speed
- Creation of the software and hardware for a prototype of a large-scale magnetic field mapper
- Construction of a 2-dimensional Scintillating Fibre Tracker
- Simulation of accelerated beta decay and the programming codes
- Simulations of electromagnetic fields for slow mu+ beam
- Test of the piE1 beam at PSI
- Simulation tools for the development of laser resonators and amplifiers
- Development of a program for mu+He cross-section calculations
- Investigations for the development of the extraction stage for the muCool beam line