
We gratefully acknowledge the continued and enabling support of our research by our host institutions ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institute, both, through a generous base funding and additional competitive grant schemes. With a special contribution, the former Berthele foundation of ETHZ (together with SNF R’equip and PSI) made setting up of the magnetically shielded room for n2EDM possible.

Since many years, our research benefits from generous funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation through project grants, R’equip grants and FLARE. Many of our experiments with neutrons and muons, and many PhD students and postdocs of our group have been supported. Details concerning these grants are found in the SNF project data base:
We acknowledge the support for research led by Dr. Anna Soter through an external page Amibizione Fellowship.

We acknowledge the support for research led by Dr. Aldo Antognini through an ERC consolidator grant.
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