Our Group
We perform precision particle physics experiments at low energies, studying fundamental symmetries and interactions with neutrons and muons.
With an external page international collaboration, we are performing an improved measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) at the external page Paul Scherrer Institiute (PSI). The nEDM is a most sensitive probe for new sources of CP-violation, needed in order to understand the apparent matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. A finite value of the nEDM would be a signal of new physics beyond the Standard Model of electro-weak interaction.
Further, our group is working on fundamental physics projects with muons. The development of new high quality, cooled beams and the study of exotic atoms, such as muonium and muonic hydrogen, is in the focus of our work. Fundamental theory predictions are tested and fundamental constants extracted.
We are developing our experiments in our laboratory at the ETH Zurich and in close collaboration with groups at the PSI.