Nacht der Physik 2022
"Nacht der Physik" was en event organised by the Department of Physics on the 17. June 2022 on Hönggerberg, where each research group at D-PHYS presented their research in hands-on experiments to the public.

Our group presented both aspects of our research; the search for the Neutron EDM using an interactive, small-scale model of the active magnetic shielding used in the n2EDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute, but also the research on and with Muons by visualising the constant rain of Muons passing through our bodies at all times and how we can detect them using scintillating particle detectors.
We are very happy with the attendance at the event and in particular our own stand. We were busy the whole evening showing our research to the public and motivating the next generations of scientists.
Klaus Kirch also held a short lecture during the evening titled "Ganz Kleines und ganz Grosses – von Teilchenphysik und Musik", with musical interludes by Ukrainian singer and composer Marina Krut.