All News
Production of Cs cells for the n2EDM experiment

Achieving the goal sensitivity of the n2EDM experiment requires precise control of magnetic field measurement.
EPT-Hub: Consolidating science-teaching event

Our EPT-hub concluded the year 2023 by hosting the «Afternoon of Science and Teaching» event in collaboration with the MaP Doctoral School.
Strategic Partnership Symposium Tokyo – Zurich at ETH

With more than 100 registered participants, our group, together with colleagues from ETH Zurich, the University of Tokyo and the University of Zurich, organized a multidisciplinary two-day symposium at ETH Hönggerberg.
Sergey Ermakov wins an SPS best poster prize

For his poster and poster presentation, our Bachelor student collaborator Sergey Ermakov was awarded one of three SPS «best poster prize» at the Joint Annual Meeting 2023 of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Societ during 4–8 September 2023 in Basel.
Teaching at a summer school in Thailand

Our former PhD student Dr. Narongrit Ritjoho (ETH Diss 26579, 2020) today is a Lecturer at the Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. He just organized a summer school there on fundamental neutron and muon physics, July 10-14, 2023.
EPT summer camp 2023

The second EPT summer camp, organized by members of our group, took place on 4–7 June at Mattli Antoniushous in Morschach.
SOLA Stafette 2023

Members of our group took part in the SOLA-Stafette 2023, the largest university sports event in Switzerland.
ETH Treffpunkt Science City – Das Geheimnis der Teilchen

The spring program «Das Universum» of «ETH Treffpunkt Science City» featured talks about particle physics and astrophysics.
PSI 2022 Diversity Award

Klaus Kirch received PSI's 2022 Diversity Award. The award ceremony was held during the PSI Director's New Year's Employee Information on January 17, 2023.

IMPACT was recommended by the ETH Board to be included in the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2023. We aim at the realization of IMPACT at PSI starting from 2025 with High Intensity Muons Beams for operation in 2028 and an isotope production facility operating in 2030.
For the love of physics

Vira Bondar is fascinated by the fundamental questions of physics. She conducts research with ultracold neutrons and is working to make exercise sessions at ETH Zurich even more exciting.
Oguzhan Kara moves to PSI on a SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship (SPF)

Our postdoc Oguzhan Kara received the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursue his career at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). He will move to PSI in the first half of 2023, and work on the development of a high energy, single-frequency mid-infrared source for laser spectroscopy with exotic atoms during his two-year fellowship. We all wish him a successful career at PSI and look forward to seeing his results.
First EPT summer camp

From August 12th to 14th, the Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz opened its doors for the first EPT summer camp for Physics Teaching Assistants (TAs), organized by our group as part of the EPT Hub's educational training program.
Open-air concert with Maryna Krut

The EPT Hub organised an open-air concert with Ukrainian singer Maryna Krut on the 21 June. The event served as a thank you to the TAs of the past semester and at the same time as an event to exchange experiences in the field of teaching.
Nacht der Physik 2022

"Nacht der Physik" was en event organised by the Department of Physics on the 17. June 2022 on Hönggerberg, where each research group at D-PHYS presented their research in hands-on experiments to the public.
Seeking the sensational on a small scale

The Swiss Research Magazine 'Horizons' features particle physics performed at PSI.
Miroslaw Marszałek successfully defends his PhD thesis

Miroslaw Marszałek successfully defended his PhD thesis on the 23 May 2022. He worked on the Laser cavity for the HyperMu project.
EPT-hub at the "Learning & Teaching Fair 2022"

The "Engaging Physics Tutoring hub" participated at the Innovation in Learning & Teaching Fair 2022 held by ETH, showing its progress and achievements in rethinking physics tutoring in higher education.
Aldo Antognini was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor

Aldo Antognini, currently lecturer and senior scientist at both ETH Zurich and the Laboratory for Particle Physics at NUM/PSI was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich.