Sergey Ermakov wins an SPS best poster prize

For his poster and poster presentation, our Bachelor student collaborator Sergey Ermakov was awarded one of three SPS «best poster prize» at the Joint Annual Meeting 2023 of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Societ during 4–8 September 2023 in Basel.

The n2EDM experiment searches for the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM), which could help understand the baryon asymmetry of the universe. High precision measurements of the nEDM require a magnetically stable volume, such that the experimental apparatus is placed within a magnetically shielded room (MSR) surrounded by an active magnetic shield (AMS). The AMS dynamically compensates external fields by minimising the fields measured by 8 three-axes magnetometers placed around the MSR.
The system is simulated in COMSOL to study how the MSR influences the performance of the AMS. The performance of the AMS field-compensation depends on the position and number of magnetometers used. This optimization problem is solved by applying a genetic algorithm.