Strategic Partnership Symposium Tokyo – Zurich at ETH
With more than 100 registered participants, our group, together with colleagues from ETH Zurich, the University of Tokyo and the University of Zurich, organized a multidisciplinary two-day symposium at ETH Hönggerberg.

Those who arrived early could enjoy guided tours at the Paul Scherrer Institute on Sunday, October 15, 2023. The two-day program on October 16 and 17 was started with welcome addresses from ETH and UZH, delivered by Dr. Cornelia Schauz and Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger. Mr. Yuichi Yamada, the first secretary of the Japanese Embassy in Switzerland, emphasized the strong links between the countries.
The program featured as a core topic ‘Education and Teaching’ important for all, and further topics: Architecture, Plant Biology, Particle Physics, Complexity in Digital Economies, Physical Chemistry, Biomedical Imaging and Chemical Biology. Speakers did their best to explain their fields to the broad audience. In particular, the poster session with many young presenters was preceded by their excellent flash-talk performances, in which each poster was advertised in one minute to the plenum.
Fruitful exchanges across the boundaries of the disciplines characterized the meeting and continued in beautiful sightseeing tours of Zurich on Monday late afternoon and the conference dinner in a Zurich Zunfthaus. Many of the involved groups continued with specialized meetings, e.g. we assembled with our partners for the external page BRIDGE workshop at PSI, October 18–20.